the virtual ride of your life!
Check in at your favourite rides and win awards.
more than 170 parks
An overview of your favourite parks with ratings and comments.
check in & win!
Check-in at a park or ride and collect the coolest Rides Awards.
waiting times
Check the waiting times for more than 20 parks.
choose your favourites
Choose your favourite parks and rides so that you can find them quickly.
collect jetons
Collect as many jetons as possible with your check-ins and reviews.
follow your friends
Follow other Rides members and check out which parks they have been in.

how does it work?

visit a park
Because you're in a park every weekend, right?
check in
using the Rides app at parks and rides.
collect jetons
And redeem them in our shop for nice merchandise!


4 languages
Rides is available in 4 languages with both a light theme and a dark ride theme.
download the Rides app:
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Google Play
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App Store